Toho International turned to 42West’s Fandoms & Franchise division for Godzilla Minus One, the first Japanese Godzilla film since 2016.

With the Japanese release creating a challenging timetable for domestic media, F&F was entrusted to curate and align with a privileged group of editorial influencers to share assets and information under embargo. With the goal of generating fan-first praise and positive critical reviews to land a “Certified Fresh” Rotten Tomatoes rating, a robust in-person and digital screening program was undertaken.

“Godzilla himself takes up only a slim chunk of a run time largely devoted to people running around in awe and horror. That is why Godzilla Minus One is a great film rather than merely an impressive feat of monstrous visual effects.”
- The Atlantic

The first international feature to win Best Visual Effects.

In-person and virtual industry events and interviews were leveraged prior to and during Godzilla Minus One’s Awards campaign, giving priority access to trusted editorial partners and influencers, who drove the cultural conversations and connections with the film. The critically-acclaimed movie became the third highest grossing foreign film in US history, was included on multiple “Best of” lists, and finally secured a historic Academy Awards win for Special Effects. The film also landed a 98% Tomatometer and 98% Audience Score.